Math, asked by palakjain48, 11 months ago

what is fraction? Define all type of fractions with example and what is mole fraction​


Answered by ritikajha85

Improper fraction:

Fractions with the numerator either equal to or greater than the denominator are called improper fraction. (Numerator = denominator or, Numerator > denominator)

Fractions like 54, 175, 52 etc. are not proper fractions. These are improper fractions. The fraction 77 is an improper fraction.

The fractions 54, 32, 83, 65, 103, 1310, 154, 99, 2013, 1212, 1311, 1411, 1717 are the examples of improper fractions. The top number (numerator) is greater than the bottom number (denominator). Such type of fraction is called improper fraction.


(i) Every natural number can be written as a fraction in which 1 is it's denominator. For example, 2 = 21, 25 = 251, 53 = 531, etc. So every natural number is an improper fraction.

(ii) The value of an improper fraction is always equal to or greater than 1.

Mixed fraction:

A combination of a proper fraction and a whole number is called a mixed fraction.

113, 213, 325, 425, 11110, 91315 and 1235 are examples of mixed fraction.

Two 12, make a whole.

Mixed Numbers

12 12

12 + 12 = 22 = 1

What will you get if you add one more 12 to a whole?

Mixed Fraction

12 + 12 + 12 = 1 + 22 = 112

Now, you have three half or you can say that you have a whole and a half or 12.

Number such as 112 is a mixed number.

Answered by Anonymous


&lt;svg id="wrap" width="300" height="300"&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- background --&gt;</p><p>&lt;svg&gt;</p><p>&lt;circle cx="150" cy="150" r="130" style="stroke: lightblue; stroke-width:18; fill:transparent"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;circle cx="150" cy="150" r="115" style="fill:#2c3e50"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;path style="stroke: #2c3e50; stroke-dasharray:820; stroke-dashoffset:820; stroke-width:18; fill:transparent" d="M150,150 m0,-130 a 130,130 0 0,1 0,260 a 130,130 0 0,1 0,-260"&gt;</p><p>&lt;animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="6s" to="-820" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;/path&gt;</p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- image --&gt;</p><p>&lt;svg&gt;</p><p>&lt;path id="hourglass" d="M150,150 C60,85 240,85 150,150 C60,215 240,215 150,150 Z" style="stroke: white; stroke-width:5; fill:white;" /&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;path id="frame" d="M100,97 L200, 97 M100,203 L200,203 M110,97 L110,142 M110,158 L110,200 M190,97 L190,142 M190,158 L190,200 M110,150 L110,150 M190,150 L190,150" style="stroke:lightblue; stroke-width:6; stroke-linecap:round" /&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;animateTransform xlink:href="#frame" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="0s" dur="3s" values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150" keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1" repeatCount="indefinite" /&gt;</p><p>&lt;animateTransform xlink:href="#hourglass" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" begin="0s" dur="3s" values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150" keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1" repeatCount="indefinite" /&gt;</p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- sand --&gt;</p><p>&lt;svg&gt;</p><p>&lt;!-- upper part --&gt;</p><p>&lt;polygon id="upper" points="120,125 180,125 150,147" style="fill:#2c3e50;"&gt;</p><p>&lt;animate attributeName="points" dur="3s" keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1" values="120,125 180,125 150,147; 150,150 150,150 150,150; 150,150 150,150 150,150" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;/polygon&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- falling sand --&gt;</p><p>&lt;path id="line" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dasharray="1,4" stroke-dashoffset="200.00" stroke="#2c3e50" stroke-width="2" d="M150,150 L150,198"&gt;</p><p>&lt;!-- running sand --&gt;</p><p>&lt;animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" dur="3s" to="1.00" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;!-- emptied upper --&gt;</p><p>&lt;animate attributeName="d" dur="3s" to="M150,195 L150,195" values="M150,150 L150,198; M150,150 L150,198; M150,198 L150,198; M150,195 L150,195" keyTimes="0; 0.65; 0.9; 1" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;!-- last drop --&gt;</p><p>&lt;animate attributeName="stroke" dur="3s" keyTimes="0; 0.65; 0.8; 1" values="#2c3e50;#2c3e50;transparent;transparent" to="transparent" repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;/path&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- lower part --&gt;</p><p>&lt;g id="lower"&gt;</p><p>&lt;path d="M150,180 L180,190 A28,10 0 1,1 120,190 L150,180 Z" style="stroke: transparent; stroke-width:5; fill:#2c3e50;"&gt;</p><p>&lt;animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" keyTimes="0; 0.65; 1" values="0 15; 0 0; 0 0" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" /&gt;</p><p>&lt;/path&gt;</p><p>&lt;animateTransform xlink:href="#lower" attributeName="transform"</p><p>type="rotate"</p><p>begin="0s" dur="3s"</p><p>values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150"</p><p>keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1"</p><p>repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;/g&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- lower overlay - hourglass --&gt;</p><p>&lt;path d="M150,150 C60,85 240,85 150,150 C60,215 240,215 150,150 Z" style="stroke: white; stroke-width:5; fill:transparent;"&gt;</p><p>&lt;animateTransform attributeName="transform"</p><p>type="rotate"</p><p>begin="0s" dur="3s"</p><p>values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150"</p><p>keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1"</p><p>repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;/path&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;!-- lower overlay - frame --&gt;</p><p>&lt;path id="frame" d="M100,97 L200, 97 M100,203 L200,203" style="stroke:lightblue; stroke-width:6; stroke-linecap:round"&gt;</p><p>&lt;animateTransform attributeName="transform"</p><p>type="rotate"</p><p>begin="0s" dur="3s"</p><p>values="0 150 150; 0 150 150; 180 150 150"</p><p>keyTimes="0; 0.8; 1"</p><p>repeatCount="indefinite"/&gt;</p><p>&lt;/path&gt;</p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;

A fraction is a number representing a part of a whole.

The whole may be a single object or a group of objects.

Numbers such as half, one-third, three-fifths etc. are fractional numbers.

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