What is free energy describes its role in biochemical reaction?
ATP(adenosine triphosphate is a high energy molecule often called the free energy currency of the cell
Free energy is a measure of energy that is liberated to do chemical work that is, utilizable energy is called Gibb's free energy and can be designated as G. This free energy system should not be confused with total energy change of the reaction (which is known as heat of reaction or enthalpy, H). The entropy energy can be calculated by absolute temperature (T) and Delta S(∆S).So the relationship between ∆G and ∆H is given as
So, the relationship between the free energy change of the reacting system and the entropy under constant temperature and pressure can be represented as,
∆G =∆H + T∆S
Thus , once ∆H and ∆S are measured for a chemical reaction ∆G that is, free energy can be readily calculated.