what is fresh water and ground water
fresh water is vital to life and yet it is finite resource of all the water on earth,just 3% is fresh water
groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil,sand and rock.it is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formation of soil,sand and rocks called aquifers
What is fresh water?
Ans= Freshwater is water that contains only minimal quantities of dissolved salts,thus distinguishing it from sea water or brackish water.All fresh water ultimately comes from precipitation of atmospheric watervapor,reaching inland lakes, rivers,and ground water bodies directly,or after melting of snow or ice.
What is ground water?
Ans= 1 . 7 percent .. Ground water and global water distribution.The pie chart shows that about 1.7 percent of all Earth's water groundwater and about 30.1 percent of freshwater on the earth ouccrs as ground water.