English, asked by upasana12345, 7 months ago

what is full name of uncle podger ​


Answered by Anonymous


His name is Uncle Podger.He has three sons and a grown up daughter.A picture has arrived from the frame maker.Mrs Podger reminds her husband that he should tell someone to hang the picture.It is to be hung on the wall in the dining room.Uncle Podger tells her" leave that to me.I will do it." Uncle Podger was a fussy man.He did not allow anyone else to do a job.He could never do anything queitly and neatly.


Anonymous: I: 648 888 6211
P: 9999
akshita4262: what do u mean
Anonymous: for fuñ
Answered by akshita4262

uncle podger was Jim , the narrator's uncle

hope this is helpful to you dear

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