what is function of lymphocytes?
Lymphocytes are cells that circulate in your blood that are part of the immune system. There are two main types lymphocytes: T cells and B cells. B cells produce antibody molecules that can latch on and destroy invading viruses or bacteria.
Answer :
1) Lymphatic system consists of lymph capillaries, lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph glands.
2) To supply nutrients to the cells (tissues), the liquid portion of the blood with nutrients flows out of the capillaries. This is called tissue fluid.
3) This fluid flows through a system called as lymphatic system. The fluid mainly returns back into the blood stream.
Functions of Lymph :
a) Lymph carries digested and absorbed fats from small intestine to different tissues of the body.
b) It helps in removing waste materials from the cells in the body to drain into blood.
c) Lymph protects cells in the tissues from infection.