What is fungi..????....
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmful
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmful
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmfulऐसा पौधा जो न हरा होता है और न ही उसमें फूल और पत्ते होते हैं (जैसे कुकुरमुत्ता), या यह गीले चूर्ण जैसा होता है और पुरानी लकड़ी अथवा खाद्य पदार्थ, दीवार आदि पर उग आता है, कुछ फफूँद हानिकारक होते हैं; फफूँद, फूई, भुकड़ी
The cell wall is a characteristic structure of fungi and is composed mainly of glucans, chitin and glycoproteins. As the components of the fungal cell wall are not present in humans, this structure is an excellent target for antifungal therapy
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmful
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmfulऐसा पौधा जो न हरा होता है और न ही उसमें फूल और पत्ते होते हैं (जैसे कुकुरमुत्ता), या यह गीले चूर्ण जैसा होता है और पुरानी लकड़ी अथवा खाद्य पदार्थ, दीवार आदि पर उग आता है, कुछ फफूँद हानिकारक होते हैं; फफूँद, फूई, भुकड़ी
The cell wall is a characteristic structure of fungi and is composed mainly of glucans, chitin and glycoproteins. As the components of the fungal cell wall are not present in humans, this structure is an excellent target for antifungal therapy
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmful
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmfulऐसा पौधा जो न हरा होता है और न ही उसमें फूल और पत्ते होते हैं (जैसे कुकुरमुत्ता), या यह गीले चूर्ण जैसा होता है और पुरानी लकड़ी अथवा खाद्य पदार्थ, दीवार आदि पर उग आता है, कुछ फफूँद हानिकारक होते हैं; फफूँद, फूई, भुकड़ी
The cell wall is a characteristic structure of fungi and is composed mainly of glucans, chitin and glycoproteins. As the components of the fungal cell wall are not present in humans, this structure is an excellent target for antifungal therapy
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmful
a plant that is not green and does not have leaves or flowers (for example a mushroom), or that is like a wet powder and grows on old wood or food, walls, etc. Some fungi can be harmfulऐसा पौधा जो न हरा होता है और न ही उसमें फूल और पत्ते होते हैं (जैसे कुकुरमुत्ता), या यह गीले चूर्ण जैसा होता है और पुरानी लकड़ी अथवा खाद्य पदार्थ, दीवार आदि पर उग आता है, कुछ फफूँद हानिकारक होते हैं; फफूँद, फूई, भुकड़ी
The cell wall is a characteristic structure of fungi and is composed mainly of glucans, chitin and glycoproteins. As the components of the fungal cell wall are not present in humans, this structure is an excellent target for antifungal therapy