what is g effective and how to calculate g effective?
Suppose the lift accelerates upward with acceleration a. This upward acceleration effectively adds to the gravitational acceleration. We can examine the ratio of the periods. So if, for example, a=g, then the period will decrease by 29%.
Suppose the lift accelerates upward with acceleration a. This upward acceleration effectively adds to the gravitational acceleration. We can examine the ratio of the periods. So if, for example, a=g, then the period will decrease by 29%.
imagen you have something like this:
enter image description here
with θ=π/2θ=π/2 and g⃗ g→. I should now calculate the effective gravitational acceleration in the rest frame of the vehicle.
Can someone explain me exactly what that should be? I first though, it basically is the acceleration with which the vehice gets accelerated. So: g⃗ eff=sin(θ)g⃗ g→eff=sin(θ)g→ but it's actually g⃗ eff=cos(θ)g⃗