Biology, asked by himanshu6278, 1 year ago

what is gametes? Define


Answered by Anonymous
hi mate
Sarvesh is here
Your answer

Gemetes are male or female germ cells which helps in producing offsprings bY the process of reproduction OR through the process of fertilization .

I Hope helped you
Answered by DSJ1204

hey mate here is your answer

Gametes are reproductive cells (sex cells) that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. Male gametes are sperm and female gametes are ova (eggs). In seed-bearing plants, pollen is the male sperm producing gametophyte. Female gametes (ovules) are contained within the plant ovary. In animals, gametes are produced in male and female gonads. Sperm are motile and have a long, tail-like projection called a flagellum. However, ova are non-motile and relatively large in comparison to the male gamete

hope it helps

if helpful mark me as brainliest

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