Biology, asked by ssaliva32, 1 year ago

What is gastrulation?​


Answered by Anonymous

Gastrulation: In gastrula Stage it utimately stops at the end of gastnula. It is the stage which plays important Stage in embryonic deveiopment because two main events take place during gastrula stage.

(A) Differentiation of blastomere:- As a result of differentiation of blastomere, three germinal layers that is ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. AIl the preparation of differentiation of blastomere are completed in late blastula stage.

(B) Morphogenetic Movements:- During gastrula stage blastomere perform amoeboid movement and reach to their definite place in embryo because after the gastrulation organogenesis has to start in embryo. Morphogenetic movement requires enormous energy. So respiratory activity of egg increases.

Answered by Anonymous

Gastrulation is a crucial time in the development of multicellular animals. ... As a result of the movements of gastrulation, cells are brought into new positions, allowing them to interact with cells that were initially not near them.

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