what is gdp? how it is defined?
what is national income?
what is imr?infant mortalty rate
what isper capita income
Infant mortality is the death of young children under the age of 1. This death toll is measured by the infant mortality rate (IMR), which is the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births. The under-five mortality rate, which is referred to as the child mortality rate, is also an important statistic, considering the infant mortality rate focuses only on children under one year of age
gross domestic product
GDP- gross domestic product. it is the sum of production in all the three sectors in one agricultural year.
national income cane be defined as the average of sum of all the state's average income.
imr- the number of deaths of infants before the completion of 1 yr.
per capita income is the average income of the citizens in the country. it is found out through national income.