what is ghost . !!!!!!!!!!
the spirit of a dead person that is seen or heard by somebody who is still living
Step-by-step explanation:
but means nothing
Hiii Mesomanandi
Step-by-step explanation:
Thank You for raising Such question which does not have its space in science world.
First of all it's a humble request if you have time and if you are interested in spiritual world then only stay on this page...
Let's start......
So many of people says that ghost is a negative energy that travels here and there but the truth is almost opposite.As a paranormal investigator I have personally experienced many hilarious and horrible moments with spirits.
As many of people who says them selves as a paranormal investigators even didn't know that there are 9 hells and 7 hevens.
So in my opinion Ghost are a type of supernatural powers that can exist anywhere, even in washroom :) LOL........
So at last I will Prefer you to take care of your parent and yourself also......
We are here to chase spirits.....
Mayank Singh (Parapsychology And Investigations Research Society India)
And if anyone is Interested in Para-Spiritual World stay in contact with me freely.....
:) Seeya Soon