Hindi, asked by khushikr15351, 11 months ago

what is global warming ​


Answered by mittalharsh392


the increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere,caused by the increase of certain gases.

Answered by star2002


Global warming refers to the gradual rise in overall temperature of atmosphere of the earth. There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the temperature gradually. the causes are both natural as well as man made.

natural causes include release of green house gases which are not able to escape from Earth, causing the temperature to increase. Volcanic eruptions are also responsible for global warming.

Man made causes include excess use of automobiles and fossil fuels, resulting in increased level of CO2. Activities like mining and cattle rearing are very harmful to environment. They cause DEFORESTATION.

To stop this, combined efforts must be done. Consumption of gasolineust be monitored. Public transport must be chosen over cars. Carpooling can also be done. Affirmation must be habituated, rather than deforestation.Switching to a hybrid car can help.

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