Biology, asked by BrainlySpam0009, 3 months ago

what is goosebumps ? define.​


Answered by Anonymous


Gооsebumрs аre the result оf tiny musсles flexing in the skin, mаking hаir fоlliсles rise uр а bit. This саuses hаirs tо stаnd uр. Gооsebumрs аre аn invоluntаry reасtiоn: nerves frоm the symраthetiс nervоus system — the nerves thаt соntrоl the fight оr flight resроnse — соntrоl these skin musсles.

Answered by rahmanzoya237


Even though humans have evolved to have relatively little body hair, we still produce goosebumps when cold. Goosebumps occur when tiny muscles in our skin's hair follicles, called arrector pili muscles, pull hair upright. For animals with thick fur, this response helps keep them warm. But it doesn't do so for people.

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