what is goul slug and slugterra
Ghoul Slugs (aka Ghouls & Goons) were Slugs that have been corrupted by one of the various forms of "ghouling" using Dark Energy. Ghoul Slugs can be turned back into regular Slugs by healer Slugs or The Lightwell. Dr. Blakk uses a small machine that gases a Slug and then transforms it.
Common Slugs: Flopper · Slicksilver · Diggrix · Gazzer · Sand Angler · Slyren · Fanda...
Ghoul Slugs: Darkfurnus · Amperling · Goon Doc · Grimmstone · Harmashelt · Hop Ja...
Elemental Slugs: Fire Elemental · Water Elemental · Earth Elemental · Air Elemental · ...
Ghoul Slugs (aka Ghouls & Goons) were Slugs that have been corrupted by one of the various forms of "ghouling" using Dark Energy. Ghoul Slugs can be turned back into regular Slugs by healer Slugs or The Lightwell. Dr. Blakk uses a small machine that gases a Slug and then transforms it.