What is green revolution? write the types of farming?
Harvesting is one of the major professionals for any country in the world. People get food materials due to this profession. But due to the recent increase of population is also the main reason of food need increases.
For the increase food need, every country is developing the harvesting process by using scientific equipments and fertilizers and pesticides.
The scientific name for harvesting method is known as the Green Revolution.
The main types of the harvesting are;
1)Clearfell Harvesting
2)Regrowth Retention Harvesting
3)Single Tree Selection Harvesting
5)Salvage Harvesting
"Green revolution:
Green revolution refers to the initial step taken by the government during the 1960s to increase the crop production by introducing high yielding plants; high amount of fertilizers and pesticides; and modern irrigation methods.
Different types of framing:
The following are the different types of farming employed in crop cultivation:
- Extensive farming: It is a type of farming in which huge amount of land is used for cultivation.
- Intensive farming: It is the type of farming in which high manpower, capital, and the large area of land is used for cultivation.
- Mixed farming: It is a type of farming in which along with crop cultivation, animal such as cattle, hen, goat, etc., are reared.
- Multiple cropping: It is a type of farming in which one or more crop is grown in one season in one land."