Biology, asked by mohd43745, 3 months ago



Answered by WowDisAmazing


A Greenhouse also called a glasshouse, is a building designed for the protection of tender or out-of-season plants against excessive cold or heat.

How does it work?

Step 1: Light Comes In

In order to provide light, greenhouses need to have some way for the light to come in. This is why greenhouses are made of mostly translucent materials, like glass or clear plastic. This gives the plants inside maximum access to sunlight.

Step 2: Heat Is Absorbed

When the light comes in the glass walls of the greenhouse, it is absorbed by the plants, ground, and anything else in the greenhouse, converting it to infrared energy (aka heat) in the process. The darker the surface, the more energy it can absorb and turn into heat. This is why black pavement gets really hot in the summer. It's absorbing a lot of heat.

Step 3: Heat Gets Trapped

Once the light energy gets converted into infrared energy (heat), it has a different "shape" than light energy - what scientists refer to as wavelength. The change in the wavelength makes it so that the heat can't easily escape out of the greenhouse's glass walls. So while getting in was easy, getting out is harder.

Step 4: Warming the Greenhouse

The trapped heat warms the air inside the greenhouse and because a greenhouse is relatively air-tight, the warmer air stays inside, raising the entire building's temperature. This is the same effect that you've no doubt experienced when getting into a car after it's been sitting in a sunny parking space for a few hours. It is nice and toasty.

Step 5: Staying Warm

With sufficient sunlight, the temperature inside a greenhouse may become much higher than the outdoor temperature; in fact, on a hot sunny day, you may need to ventilate the greenhouse all day to keep from literally cooking the plants inside. On overcast days, less sunlight means that the greenhouse will heat up more slowly, if at all. For that reason, greenhouses are most useful in areas that have plenty of sunlight.

Step 6: Promoting Photosynthesis

All these light and warm temperatures give plants ample access to the sunlight and temperatures need to grow. This is because they have the right conditions for photosynthesis to occur. Photosynthesis is the combining of carbon dioxide from the air and energy from sunlight to make simple sugars, which the plant then uses as food. You might use a cheeseburger to get big and strong, well a plant uses the sun. On average, plants need about six hours of sunlight per day, although this varies depending on the type of plant; placing your greenhouse where it will get full sun all day will ensure that the plants inside get enough light.

Hope it Helps,


Answered by rajivdhaka



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