What is haemodialysis????????
While healthy kidneys have several functions in the body, the most well known job is to produce urine. When kidney function goes below 10% to 15% kidneys are no longer able to filtered the blood and make urine. This causes toxins to build up in the body along with excess fluid. Fortunately we live in a time when there are treatments and medicines that can replace the functions of the kidneys and keep the body alive. One type of renal replacement therapy - meaning a treatment that replaces kidney function - is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis is a therapy that filters waste, removes extra fluid and balances electrolytes (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, calcium, magnesium and phosphate).
Haemodialysis means the Dialysis.
•As blood is involved in dialysis ,it is called as Haemodialysis.
•This treatment is taken/carried out when both the kidneys of a person fail.
•In this treatment,blood from veins is carried by tubes into dialysis machine where the inside part is made up of cellulose .
•It has dialysing fluid which have same components as blood except plasma.
•The nitrogeneous wastes are absorbed ,the pure blood is again inturn sent to body by means of other tube.
Hope it helps uh !
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