• What is happiness?
• Is it important in one's life?
• What makes someone happy?
Write it by your own or take the help from G o o g l e.
happiness is a love
yes it's more important in one's life
the love which they give to each other is happy
Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.
happiness is Important in one's life.
Happiness has also been linked to better decision-making and improved creativity. So, rather than success being the key to happiness, research shows that happiness could in fact be the key to success. But it doesn't just help us function better: happiness also brings substantial benefits for society as a whole.
Love and Companionship. Love, in any form, brings happiness to our lives. Healthy relationships with friends, family, and significant others can all improve your quality of life and bring joy to it. ... In order to be happy, it's imperative to have meaningful relationships with other people, both romantic and platonic.