what is hard upsc or iit
If you try to compare depending on the competitive level,UPSC has a greater edge than IIT-JEE.But if you start comparing relatively towards type of intellectual question appearing in the exam,IIT-JEE has slighter edge.
But now every year UPSC keeps updating their syllabus so that the quality of questions is very difficult.Recently they updated CSAT paper in preliminary,which filters the serious and non serious aspirants. So,UPSC is also making changes making it the mostly difficult exam.
Further more,over 5 lac people compete for 900 seats in UPSC. Therefore the acceptance rate is very low. Therefore,this makes this exam most difficult exam in the world.If you check the syllabus of UPSC you can see that people from different academic background compete to be the cream of India.Many academic experts in Technical,Non-Technical compete to crack the UPSC exam.
But in case of IIT-JEE,we see that only people from science background around 2 lac students competing in the exam for 10000 seats. Definitely IITs are the hardest school in the world to get admission because of their reigorus quality of questions coming in IIT-JEE.
But IIT has no diverse quality of students i.e different academic background to compete on that examination.Students cracking IIT-JEE have greater IQ in the subjects of mathematics, Physics,Chemistry.Hence,no exam in the world can beat IIT in the intellectual question quality.
The Syllabus of UPSC is an ocean,where students find it difficult to concentrate on a particular subject like IITs.The civil service exam had an acceptance ratio much lesser than 0.001 percent,thereby making it the most populous exam in the world.
As I have mentioned above,I have just classified the exam on the quality of questions.But if you see the hard reality,we have to also consider the process of the examination too.
UPSC has a very reigorus process selecting the cream of India for the most prestigious post in our country.This exam takes place throughout a year in three phases-Preliminary,Mains, Interview.
The preliminary is objective and Mains is written and the interview is your personality round. As a whole,this checks the quality of a person in an all round manner.
But IIT-JEE exam takes on only 1 day which consists of 2 phases. Both the phases are of objective type so sometimes guessing can fetch you good score.Unlike UPSC,guessing will not workout in Mains examination and Interview.
So,My Friend::
UPSC beats IIT-JEE exam in all aspects.Hence,if you see the hardest exam in the world will be UPSC.This is a tough to crack and if you have closer look at their personality they have little knowledge of eveything.