Biology, asked by Sid1509cool, 9 months ago

What is
hat is ovulation ?​


Answered by manthanpatil042


Mark me brainliest. Follow me.


Ovulation is the release of an egg from one of a woman's ovaries. After the egg is released, it travels down the fallopian tube, where fertilization by a sperm cell may occur. Ovulation typically lasts one day and occurs in the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle, about two weeks before she expects to get her period.

Answered by puramtgss


Ovulation is when a mature egg is

released from the ovary, pushed down

the fallopian tube, and is made

available to be fertilized.

Approximately every month an egg

will mature within one of your

ovaries. As it reaches maturity, the egg

is released by the ovary where it

enters the fallopian tube to make its

way towards waiting for sperm and the


The lining of the uterus has thickened

to prepare for the fertilized egg. If no

conception occurs, the uterine lining,

as well as blood, will be shed.

The shedding of an unfertilized egg

and the uterine wall is the time of


If you are trying to get pregnant, you

should get a copy of the Essential

Guide to Getting Pregnant. This ebook

is filled with the most up to date

resources, information, and tips you

need to get pregnant.

There are also a variety of effective

and affordable ovulation prediction

tools available online.

Key Facts Of Ovulation:

Visit The Ovulation Forums

How To Track Ovulation:

A woman’s monthly cycle is measured

from the first day of her menstrual

period until the first day of her next


On average, a woman’s cycle normally

is between 28-32 days, but some

women may have much shorter or

much longer cycles.

Ovulation can be calculated by

starting with the first day of the last

menstrual period (LMP) or by

calculating 12-16 days from the next

expected period.

Most women ovulate anywhere

between Day 11 – Day 21 of their

cycle, counting from the first day of

the LMP.

This is what many refer to as the

“fertile time” of a woman’s cycle

because sexual intercourse during

this time increases the chance of


Ovulation can occur at various times

during a cycle and may occur on a

different day each month. It is

important to track your cycle and

fortunately there are a number of free

fertility charting tools available to help

women identify their peak fertile days.

The Ovulation Cycle

Divided Into Two Parts:

The first part of the ovulation

cycle is called the follicular

phase. This phase starts the first

day of the last menstrual period

(LMP) and continues until


This first half of the cycle can differ

greatly for each woman lasting

anywhere from 7 days until 40 days.

The second half of the cycle is

called the luteal phase and is

from the day of ovulation until

the next period begins. The

luteal phase has a more precise

timeline and usually is only

12-16 days from the day of


This ultimately means that the day of

ovulation will determine how long

your cycle is.

This also means that outside factors

like stress, illness, and disruption of

normal routine can throw off your

ovulation which then results in

changing the time your period will


So the old thought that stress can

affect your period is only partly true.

Stress can affect your ovulation which

ultimately determines when your

period will come, but stress around

the time of an expected period will not

make it late—it was already

determined when it would come

12-16 days earlier!

Fertility Awareness is one way to track

when ovulation occurs, and it

includes studying the changes in

cervical mucus and using a basal


Cervical fluid will change to a wet,

slippery substance that resembles

“egg whites” just before ovulation

occurs and until ovulation is over. A

basal thermometer helps track a body

temperature rise, which signals that

ovulation has just occurred.

Another way to track ovulation is

through ovulation kits and fertility

monitors. These can be Purchased

Online safely and affordably.

Tracking ovulation can help a woman

get a better idea of when pregnancy

can and cannot occur during her

monthly cycle.

Once ovulation has occurred, there is

nothing you can do to increase your

chances of pregnancy. Your next step

is to begin watching for early

pregnancy symptoms. View and print

an Ovulation Calendar to better

understand your menstruation cycle

and ovulation.

From The Menstrual Period

To Ovulation (the Details

You May Not Know!)

When your menstrual cycle begins,

your estrogen levels are low. Your

hypothalamus (which is in charge of

maintaining your hormone levels)

sends out a message to your pituitary

gland which then sends out the

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