English, asked by Dilpreetkaur3, 6 months ago

What is hemlock tree? ​


Answered by ushasingh9191

Tsuga (/ˈsuːɡə/,[3] from Japanese 栂 (ツガ), the name of Tsuga sieboldii) is a genus of conifers in the subfamily Abietoideae. The common name hemlock is derived from a perceived similarity in the smell of its crushed foliage to that of the unrelated plant poison hemlock. Unlike the latter, Tsuga species are not poisonous.

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Answered by rajveer032020

A true hemlock is a tall pyramidal tree with purplish or reddish brown bark, slender horizontal or drooping branches, and short blunt leaves that grow from woody cushionlike structures on the twigs. The small cones hang from the branch tips and retain their scales when they fall.

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