What is history of " paper"?
The invention of paper revolutionised society. We use paper to create bank notes, newspapers, bandages, books; even if we don’t always notice it, it’s an integral part of our everyday lives.
The word ‘paper’ derives from the Ancient Egyptian writing material called papyrus, which was woven from the stems of the papyrus plant. This material was being produced in Egypt and Greece as early as 3000 BC.
However, many define the origins of standardised, mass-produced paper to China in 105 AD.
In ancient China, the paper-makers made thick, coarse sheets of paper by flattening and drying out a pulp of water, chopped bark, plants and fishing nets.
The invention of paper completely revolutionised first the Asian, then Western societies. Paper will remain a huge part of our everyday lives, but in a more planet friendly capacity with the help of recycling.
Although precursors such as papyrus and amate existed in the Mediterranean world and pre-Columbian Americas, respectively, these materials are not defined as true paper. Nor is true parchment considered paper[a]; used principally for writing, parchment is heavily prepared animal skin that predates paper and possibly papyrus. In the twentieth century with the advent of plastic manufacture some plastic "paper" was introduced, as well as paper-plastic laminates, paper-metal laminates, and papers infused or coated with different products that give them special properties.