what is hoa hao movement ?
Hoa Hao, in full Phat Giao Hoa Hao, Vietnamese Buddhist religious movement that was formed in 1939 by the Buddhist reformer Huynh Phu So. The Hoa Hao, along with the syncretic religious group Cao Dai, was one of the first groups to initiate armed hostilities against the French and later the Japanese colonialists.
Based in the prosperous Mekong River delta area of southern Vietnam, where its adherents were mostly peasants, tenants, and rural workers, the Hoa Hao grew rapidly during the Japanese occupation in World War II. After the war, it continued as an independent force in Vietnamese politics, opposing both the French colonialists and the Viet Minh nationalist movement of Ho Chi Minh. After 1954 the Hoa Hao and Cao Dai began armed opposition to the U.S.-backed government of President Ngo Dinh Diem. At the time of Diem’s death in 1963, the Hoa Hao had control of several southern and western provinces of South Vietnam.
Hope this will help you ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
Hoa Hao Movement
The movement began in 1936 in the fertile Mekong delta and gained a lot of popularity . This movement used popular religious ideas in the anti-French uprisings of the 19th century . Hoa Hao Movement was started by Huynh Phu So . He performed miracles and helped the poor.He was opposed to the sale of child brides, gambling ,use of alcohol and opium.The french tried to suppress the movement.
Movements like this always has a contradictory relationship with mainstream nationalism .Political parties took their support but disliked their activities.Yet they helped in arousing anti-imperialist sentiments.