what is hunger classify and explain it
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here goes ur answer my dear friend.
noun: hunger
a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.
"she was faint with hunger"
synonyms:lack of food, need for food, hungriness, ravenousness, emptiness; More
starvation, famine, malnutrition, malnourishment, undernourishment;
rarefamishment, inanition
"she was faint with hunger"
a severe lack of food.
"they died from cold and hunger"
a strong desire or craving.
"her hunger for knowledge"
synonyms:desire, craving, longing, yearning, pining, hankering, thirst, appetite, lust, ache, want, need; More
informalitch, yen;
rareappetence, appetency
"there is a global hunger for news"
verb: hunger; 3rd person present: hungers; past tense: hungered; past participle: hungered; gerund or present participle: hungering
have a strong desire or craving for.
"he hungered for a sense of self-worth"
synonyms:desire, crave, have a craving for;More
long for, yearn for, have a yearning for, pine for, ache for, thirst for, have an appetite for, hanker after, lust after, want, need;
informalhave a yen for, itch for, be dying for, be gagging for;
archaicbe athirst for, be desirous of
"all actors hunger for such a role"
antonyms:have an aversion to
feel or suffer hunger.
"when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he afterwards hungered"
hope it helps you dude.
jst chillax..
noun: hunger
a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.
"she was faint with hunger"
synonyms:lack of food, need for food, hungriness, ravenousness, emptiness; More
starvation, famine, malnutrition, malnourishment, undernourishment;
rarefamishment, inanition
"she was faint with hunger"
a severe lack of food.
"they died from cold and hunger"
a strong desire or craving.
"her hunger for knowledge"
synonyms:desire, craving, longing, yearning, pining, hankering, thirst, appetite, lust, ache, want, need; More
informalitch, yen;
rareappetence, appetency
"there is a global hunger for news"
verb: hunger; 3rd person present: hungers; past tense: hungered; past participle: hungered; gerund or present participle: hungering
have a strong desire or craving for.
"he hungered for a sense of self-worth"
synonyms:desire, crave, have a craving for;More
long for, yearn for, have a yearning for, pine for, ache for, thirst for, have an appetite for, hanker after, lust after, want, need;
informalhave a yen for, itch for, be dying for, be gagging for;
archaicbe athirst for, be desirous of
"all actors hunger for such a role"
antonyms:have an aversion to
feel or suffer hunger.
"when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he afterwards hungered"
hope it helps you dude.
jst chillax..
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