What is Hypermetropia? How is hypermetropia corrected?
The person suffering from hypermetropia cannot see the near most objects but can see the objects located at remote distances.
The hypermetropia-affected person uses convex lens of suitable focal length so that now the image starts to form on the retina.
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1.Hypermetropia is also known as "far sightedness”.
2.A person with hypermetropiacan see distant objects clearlybut cannot see objects at neardistances, because theminimum focal length of eyelens for the person hypermetropia is greater than 2.27 cm.
3.In such cases, the rays coming from a nearby object, after refraction at eye lens, forms an image beyond
the retina.
4. Hypermetropia is corrected when the image of the object at L is formed at the near point(H) by using a bi-convex lens.