What is Idiom and the differences between Idiom and phrases ?
This is the difference between an idiom and a phrase: A phrase is “a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit”, while an idiom is “a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words”
- Difference between idioms and phrases:-
Some Doubts :- idioms and phrases boths are different in meaning rather it seems same in meaning while using but not so.
Idioms:- A idioms is a words which is used for representing a expressions in front of through words but its words are actual different and raised as another meaningful sentence.
Example:-1.) Beat around the bush
meaning:- Don't express the feeling or emotions in front of all.
example:- 2.) Beating a dead horse .
Meaning:- Wasting the time in an ended object.
Phrases:- Phrases are the group of words which is used to expressing something through the clause or sentences.we can say that phrases add the extra meaning in a sentence.
Example:- An elephant never forgets.
Meaning:- someone who has good memory power to remembering anything about.