English, asked by anjumkilledar1234, 7 months ago

What is important in life


Answered by Anonymous


In today’s digital world, many of us are thrown by social status, materialistic items and luxuries – and how can you blame us? We are constantly being shown that the image of perfection includes these things, with edited Instagram images and reality TV shows highlighting the elite. In reality, however, status, designer products and expensive items are worth nothing; they won’t make your happy nor healthy. So, regardless of where you are in the world, the most important things on your list should include the following.

1. Health

Being healthy is the single, most important part of our existence – without good health, our lives can be cut short. That said, it’s important not to take good health for granted and feed our bodies nutrients that they deserve by eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HSS), by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can ‘reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.’


2. Family

While you may sometimes argue and get annoyed with your family, they are your unit and the ones that you can turn to in times of happiness and sorrow. No matter what you go through with your family, they will always be there to guide and support you and to help you learn and grow as a person. The love from a family member is unconditional and should not be taken for granted. Some people go through life without truly appreciating just how important having their family’s support is and spend the majority their existence feeling unhappy. So, if you don’t usually show your family how much they mean to you, now is the time to start!

3. Friends

Just like family, friends are a vital part of our existence and happiness. They are people that can share the best parts of your life with you and will be there as a confidant when you need to talk about personal issues. While real friends are hard to come by, most will have a handful of trusted friends that they can rely on. And even though you may outgrow certain friends during different stages of your life, you will have opportunities to form new relationships with people that you come across.

4. Love

Love is the epicentre of every aspect of your life – it doesn’t just relate to having a partner. You will love your partner in a unique way, but you will also have unchangeable affection for your family and friends. Love is also the feeling that will drive you throughout your career, extracurricular activities, interests and hobbies.

5. Purpose

Having a purpose is a fundamental component of living a fulfilling life. Without purpose, we won’t have the motivation to achieve great things or even do something simple such as getting out of bed in the morning. According to psychologist Steve Taylor, not having a purpose ‘makes us more vulnerable to boredom, anxiety, and depression.’ Meanwhile, having a strong sense of purpose can have a positive effect on our lives. If you take a page out of the books of successful entrepreneurs, most of them made it by having a drive and a sense of purpose. They worked hard because they were confident of what they could achieve – and this purpose is something that we need to follow to feel accomplished in life.

6. Passion

Along with purpose comes passion; our desires, our dreams and our hopes in life. When you’re passionate about something, you’re going to work hard to achieve it. ; some people will be passionate about giving back to society, while others will have a passion for personal gain. Just ensure that your passion is for a good cause and that it brings joy not only to yourself but to others, too.

7. Wellness

Besides having a healthy body, it’s essential to have a healthy mind also! Luckily, we live in a time where mental wellbeing is at the forefront, Find activities that help you relax; whether it’s meditating daily, listening to a motivational podcast or simply going for a walk to gather your thoughts. Whatever method you choose, ensure that your wellbeing is at the forefront of each of these activities.l


8 Time

Having the ability to value time really matters in life. Time is precious and priceless, and it should be taken advantage of. When we have a better understanding of time. We can do things that will help us progress and also schedule time to spend with family, friends and hobbies.

9. Water

Water is the most critical part of survival – without clean water, we wouldn’t be able to live. Our bodies are made up of up to 60% of water, and it’s used in all our cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate our temperature and maintain other bodily functions.

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