What is inflummution ? Explain the mechurism
of inflammation and the various clinicu signs,
clussifications and medicators
and mediators of inflummution,
don't know his answer bye
When a wound swells up, turns red and hurts, it may be a sign of inflammation. Very generally speaking, inflammation is the body’s immune system’s response to an irritant. The irritant might be a germ, but it could also be a foreign object, such as a splinter in your finger.
This means that an inflammation doesn’t only start when, for instance, a wound has already been infected by bacteria, is oozing pus or healing poorly. It already starts when the body is trying to fight against the harmful irritant.
Causes of an inflammation
Many different things can cause inflammations. These are the most common:
Pathogens (germs) like bacteria, viruses or fungi
External injuries like scrapes or damage through foreign objects (for example a thorn in your finger)
Effects of chemicals or radiation
Diseases or medical conditions that cause inflammation often have a name ending in “-itis.” For example:
Cystitis: an inflammation of the bladder
Bronchitis: an inflammation of the bronchi
Otitis media: an inflammation of the middle ear
Dermatitis: a disease where the skin is inflamed
Signs of an inflammation
There are five symptoms that may be signs of an acute inflammation:
Loss of function
Examples of a loss of function include not being able to move an inflamed joint properly, having a worse sense of smell during a cold, or finding it more difficult to breathe when you have bronchitis.
Inflammations don’t always cause all five symptoms. Some inflammations occur “silently” and don’t cause any symptoms.