what is innocent?????
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innocent adjective
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in·no·cent | \ ˈi-nə-sənt \
Definition of innocent (Entry 1 of 3)
1a: free from legal guilt or fault
also : LAWFUL
a wholly innocent transaction
b: free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil : BLAMELESS
an innocent child
c: harmless in effect or intention
… searching for a hidden motive in even the most innocent conversation.
— Leonard Wibberley
also : CANDID
gave me an innocent gaze
2a: lacking or reflecting a lack of sophistication, guile, or self-consciousness : ARTLESS, INGENUOUS
… almost entirely innocent of Latin.
— C. L. Wrenn
also : UNAWARE
… perfectly innocent of the confusion he had created …
— B. R. Haydon
3: lacking or deprived of something
… her face innocent of cosmetics …
— Marcia Davenport
innocent noun
plural innocents
Definition of innocent (Entry 2 of 3)
: a person who is innocent: such as
a: a person free from sin : a young child
the biblical massacre/slaughter of the innocents
b: a naïve, inexperienced, or unsophisticated person
a political innocent
… during a great land boom in which immense fortunes were made and innocents like himself fleeced.
— Arthur Miller
c: a blameless person : a person who does not deserve to be harmed
The war caused the death of thousands of innocents.