Math, asked by ayushbajapi123, 11 months ago

what is iNp when was it sta​


Answered by ibolbam


, you should see from mailbox 0 to 7 the instructions 901, 309, 901, 310, 509, 902, 510, 902. The Program Counter should start at 0 (click on "Reset" if necessary). DAT is the tenth and eleventh instruction of your program, so they refer to mailboxes 9 and 10 (0-indexed counting). FIRST and SECOND are the identifiers that have been declared to represent these mailboxes in the assembly language program. When you click on "Run" or "Step", the Message Box will describe the actions of each instruction. After the first INP instruction, the Accumulator has a copy of the first value entered in the In Box. After the STA instruction, the input value is copied from the Accumulator to mailbox 9 -- 3 means STORE and 09 refers to the mailbox to store into. After the second INP instruction, the Accumulator has a copy of the second value entered into the In Box (use a different value than the first). After the second STA instruction, the second input value is copied from the Accumulator to mailbox 10.

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