what is inside mars???
If Mars is comparable to Earth, it probably has a solid core. Mars is so much smaller than Earth that if it were created in a similar way, of similar materials, its core should have cooled and solidified by now. But other indirect evidence suggests that Mars is more than simply a smaller Earth. Samples of Martian meteorites, the lack of a magnetic field, and the way the planet moves as it orbits the sun, all suggest a different sort of planet altogether. Moreover, long-term observations of how the sun’s gravity subtly shapes the planet at different phases of its orbit (think tides without an ocean) suggest that Mars may actually have a liquid core. The debate can’t be resolved, however, without more precise data from InSight.
Inside Planet Mars (Infographic) The planet Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and named after the Roman God of War and is also called the 'Red Planet.' Mars has a thin atmosphere and surface features similar to Earth.