What is interest in psychology (definition with author)?
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Interest is considered a powerful 'dictator','inspirer' and 'motivator' in learning process.In Latin ,the word 'interst' means 'it concerns' or 'it matters'.
Interest is the feeling that prompts us to spontaneous activity . Once interests is aroused in studies ,games,literature and good conduct,the child will condsider no sacrifice and effort too great to attain proficiency . Interests is something within the child .It is to be aroused and promoted by different means.
Bingham : 'An interest is a tendency to become absorbed in an experience and to continue it.'
James Drever: 'Interest is the latent attention '
James M Sawhrey and Charles w Telford: 'Interest as favourable attitude towards objects.'
Strong: 'Interest is an interminate indicator of success.'
Nature and Characteristics of Interests
1. Interests are closely linked with our instints,basic needs ,drives,and motives.
2. Interest is a pre condition to attention.
3. Interests are innate as well as acquired dispositions.
4. Pursuit of one's interest provides strength to an individual to resist fatigue.
5. Pursuit of one's interest provides energy and driving force.
6. Interests are sharpened by heredity and environment.
7. Intersts are not fixed and permanent.
8. Interests of individuals tend to become less varied with increasing age.
9. Interests of individual differ.
10. Interests can be measured.
11. There is some relationship between vocational and non vocational interests.
12. Learning becomes effective and efficient when interests of the children are satisfied.
13.Generally speaking ,there is some relationship between interest and ability.