English, asked by rehbar66, 1 year ago

What is Islam?
Who is Allah?
Who is the final messenger of Allah [s.w.t]?
Why Allah Revealed Quran?
What does AR-RAHMAN mean and why did Allah start the surah Ar-Rahman with his name?​


Answered by Anonymous

Allah is the god of Muslims..

Islam is a religion started by Prophet Muhammad.

The final messenger of Islam is Prophet Muhammad.

Significance in Islam. Muslims believe the Quran to be God's final revelation to humanity, a work of divine guidance revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel.

Title. The title of the surah Rahmaan, appears in verse 1, means "The Most Beneficent". The divine appellation "ar-Rahman" also appears in the opening formula which precedes every sura except Sura 9 ("In the Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy").

Hope it helps u dear☺️

Answered by aadilawadh


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmathulla

Islam is the religion where Muslims worship Allah

Allah is the All mighty god of Muslims

the final messenger of Allah is prophet Muhammad (PB UH)

Allah revealed the Quran to show humanity the right path to Jannah(Paradise)

Ar-Rahman is a name of Allah SWT means “All the Graceful of Earth and Hereafter.” It has special meaning until Allah SWT made it become one special surah to be read. It is a remainder surah to all human kind about the forgotten of abundant bounties that Allah SWT given.


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