What is Isotopes in hindi
jo bhi elements ke mass number alag hote hai aur unke atomic number ek jaise hote hai unko isotopes bolte hai.
Isotopic is the atoms of different weights of an element. In the nineteenth century, Dalton had established in his nuclear theory that the atomic weights of different elements are different but that of all the atoms of one element are equal. For a long time scientists have found it true; However, after the discovery of radioactivity, he learnt that the number of atoms of a different weight of the same element can be produced by this action. The research of radioactivity has resulted in the radiological displacement law (displacement law). According to this, if an alpha particle is released from a radioactive atom, it will return two Spaces to the periodic table. If a small particle is released, the atom will move the space forward. This leads to the conclusion that if one alpha particle is free from an atom and is released: two beta particles are free, it will return to its position in the atomic periodic table, though its weight is less than four volumes. The famous English physicist for such atoms, sody invented the term isotope 1913. In the experiment. He first said that the chemical and spectral properties of the isotope would be the same by radioactivity. It is not possible to separate such atoms by chemical actions. According to sodi 's theory the atomic weight of lead obtained from uranium ore should be different from that of normal c. All the statements of the soil were proved true by scientific research. Other scientists acquired evidence of isostasy