Political Science, asked by smin05760, 6 months ago

What is it that you propose/need to change in your local community? Give 3 needs for change

in your Barangay or Municipality.

plss help :)​


Answered by sridevivanapalli


Most of us want the same things from our communities. We want them to be safe from violence and illness; we want neighborhoods that are alive and that work well. And we would all like to have people who care for us and whom we trust.

But how do we develop a community like that? Our belief is that communities are built when people work together on things that matter to them. In this section, we'll talk about what we mean by that, and explore our idea of how we can get there from here -- what might be called our "model of change" or "theory of practice."

We'll start this section with some definitions that will help ground the ideas we are trying to get across. Then, we'll look at the advantages of collaborative efforts: why we believe it makes sense for people to work together to solve problems they share.

Next, we'll look at key partners in community efforts, and then, we will describe the model of change that is the focus of this section. We'll supplement that model with principles and values that we believe should influence how community efforts unfold. Finally, we'll close with some broad recommendations for working together to help build healthier communities.

Answered by qwwestham

Most of us want our community to be safe from violence and disease and we would all like to have persons who care for us and whom we can believe.

There are many changes that I would like to change in my community.

  • First, would be the building of park in my society as at present, there is no garden or park in our society. The children in the society have nowhere to play outside in the evenings and as a consequence they spend most of their time inside. This I feel has a bad effect on their health. Moreover, many people in the society like to go for morning walk.
  • Second, I would like to focus on the cleanliness aspect of the society . For this the drainage system should be improved and there must be dustbins at the appropriate places so that people do not litter around.
  • Third is that , I would like a library to be constructed in the region where books from all disciplines , current affairs, newspapers and journals must be present as our community has many research scholars and government job aspirants.

Our trust is that communities are constructed when people work together on things that matter to them.


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