Social Sciences, asked by vaibhavsaberwal, 2 months ago

What is Jhum cultivation ? Why did some Tribal people follow it? What were the disadvantages of Jhum cultivation?


Answered by Ayushiprogod1000


What is Jhum cultivation ?

  • Jhum cultivation is a traditional farming method where first the land of trees and other vegetation is cleared, burned and then cultivated for a limited number of years. ... Jhum cultivation is also known as shifting cultivation and slash and burn cultivation.

Why did some Tribal people follow it?

  • The life of shifting cultivators was directly connected to the forest. So, when the British brought changes in forest laws, their life was badly affected. The British extended their control over all forests and declared that forests were state property. Some forests were classified as Reserved Forests for they produced timber which the British wanted. In these forests people were not allowed to move freely and practise jhum cultivations. As a result, many jhum cultivators had to move to other areas in search of work

What were the disadvantages of Jhum cultivation ?

  • Disadvantage of Shifting Cultivation:

The most and the important disadvantage of the shifting cultivation is that to cut the Forrest and the trees that are helpful for the soil erosion and that is very helpful for the nature.

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