What is JNV and Navodayan ?
JNV full form is Jawahar Navodaya vidyalaya....it is a central board school for talented students...free education by government......
it's an excellent school... teaching is fabulous there... you can get pure form of education there.... it's the temple of goddess Saraswati.... one must have luck to step into this Vidyalaya..... one who gets seat here is god gifted......it also a Competitive world.... many of the people who are success are from Navodaya....one who studies in JNV is called a Navodayan. You know.. I'm a Navodayan...... this is all based on my experience..... in this school every particular activity is given an importance... music, dance and all cultural activities.....
hope it helps u....
Jawahar Navodayan Vidayalay is a system of central schools for talented student predominantly from rural area in India . They are run by Navodaya Vidayalay Samiti, New Delhi, an autonomous organization under the department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry Education Government of India