Social Sciences, asked by 3381, 1 year ago

what is karachi session


Answered by Yashk7
The Gandhi Irwin Pact was endorsed by the Congress in the Karachi Session of 1931, that was held from March 26-31. Gandhi was nominated to represent Congress in the Second Round Table Conference.

Some important aspects of these resolutions were:

Basic civil rights of freedom of speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of assembly, Freedom of association,
Equality before law
Elections on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise
Free and compulsory primary education.
Substantial reduction in rent and taxes
Better conditions for workers including a living wage, limited hours of work.
Protection of women and peasants
Government ownership or control of key industries, mines, and transport.
Protection of Minorities.

3381: thank you
Answered by jubinjoy432ou61r2
The Karachi session was presided by Sardar Patel. The congress adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy which represented the Party's Social, Economic and Political programme. It was later known as Karachi Resolution.
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