What is lack of determinism in quantum theory and theory of catastrophe?
"The lack of determinism in quantum theory!" The behaviour of an electron orbitting a nucleus of an atom can not be predicted. There are different energy states within an atom varying from lower to higher. An electron can jump from lower energy state to higher energy state or the vice-versa.
This means if a bullet is fired from a gun in a given direction at a given speed, one will know where it will be at any time after this, but such an assertion cannot be made for an electron, where Quantum theory applies. When an electron is fired from a source, it may be here, there or anywhere else, this is called lack of determinism in Quantum theory. This theory asserts that reality is never one-sided. Alternative worlds may exist at the same time.
The catastrophic theory models the mechanisms of sudden and discontinuous changes of state in very different types of systems like freezing of a liquid, buckling of metal under pressure, fall of a government, or riot by a mob. It explains that a series of gradual changes trigger rapid and large scale changes such as the collapse of an Empire.