English, asked by multiplethankerrrr, 5 months ago

what is land breeze...???​​


Answered by NISHANT2022

Lɑnd breeze, ɑ locɑl wind system chɑrɑcterized by ɑ flow from lɑnd to wɑter lɑte ɑt night. Lɑnd breezes ɑlternɑte with seɑ breezes ɑlong coɑstlines ɑdjɑcent to lɑrge bodies of wɑter. Since the surfɑce flow of the lɑnd breeze terminɑtes over wɑter, ɑ region of low-level ɑir convergence is produced.

Hope it is helpful for you !!

Answered by Anonymous

\Huge\bf \underbrace{ \underline{\mathbb  {\blue \dag\orange{ Answer }}}}    \underline\blue\dag

The land gets heated up by the heat radiated by the sun, much faster than the water during daytime. This heats up the air over the land and it expands and hence the hot air rises up and creates a vacuum.

  • And hence the cool air moves from the land to the sea and is known as the land breeze.
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