Geography, asked by yasinkhanjamul, 1 year ago

What is land degredation? How we conserve land? ANSWER IN 50 TO 100 WORDS...


Answered by james32
The concept of Land Degradation has evolved over time and its focus shifted from production-oriented to the broader scope of impact on ecosystems. There has also been a shift in focus from soil degradation (such as covered by the GLASOD, ASSOD and SOVEUR projects) to landdegradation (e.g. GLADA), the latter including more biophysical elements such as water, vegetation, animals and men. However, soils play an important role in land degradation and conservation as they directly influence other “land” elements such as vegetation (through supplying nutrients and plant available moisture) and water (buffering and filtering function), and through these men and animals.

The term Conservation refers to efforts to combat or prevent degradation. It is now mostly captured by the term Sustainable Land Management (SLM), defined as:

SLM covers a wide range of possible interventions, related to improved management of crops, soil, animals or water (and often a combination of these) aimed at the reduction or prevention of degradation impacts. Many of these interventions are described in a global database on Technologies developed by the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies programme (WOCAT).

Besides these practices implemented in the field it is important to consider the enabling environment and the strategy to successfully implement them. This is captured in the WOCAT “Approach” database.  

An example of such an “approach” is the concept of Green Water Credits, where upstream farmers are compensated by downstream water users for their SLM interventions that improve downstream water quality and quantity, besides the direct on-site benefits.

Answered by Parul678
hey frnd

land degardation is that when land become unfit for cultivafrnd

we can conserve land by
According to Natural Resources Management Division, Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, we can conserve our land resources by adopting the following measures:

1. By educating, informing and sensitizing all landholders about various aspects of this precious resources and their sustainable use.

2. Contour ploughing is another measure to conserve our land. By this method, the fields are ploughed, harrowed and sown along the natural contour of the hills.

3. By terracing method: A series of wide steps are made along the slop following the contours. This method is very common in rice growing regions.

4. Under the afforestation and reforestation programmes, planting of trees, bushes and grass help to check the soil erosion,

5. Strict actions are taken to check reckless felling of trees and overgrazing.

6. Shelter belts (rows of trees) are planted on the margins of desert areas to check the fury of wind.

7. Construction of dams and gully-trap inculcate the water-harvesting.

hope it helps u ☺


Parul678: thnks
james32: welcome
Parul678: hey..maine aapko nhi kaha
james32: my bad, my notification came so, i thought its me
Parul678: okkk
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