What is lassaigne test write the reaction of lassaigne test?
Carbon is the main constituent element of all organic compounds. Hydrogen is also present in most of the organic compounds, but there are few exceptions, such as: CCl4, CS2 , etc. Elements other than these elements such as nitrogen, sulphur and halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine) may also be present in organic compounds. These extra elements are usually detected by Lassaigne's Test that was developed by the French Chemist J.L Lassaigne. In this test, the organic compound is fused with metallic sodium to convert these elements into water soluble sodium salt. Usual qualitative tests are performed on this extract for the detection of respective elements.
The sodium fusion test, or Lassaigne's test, is used in elemental analysis for the qualitative determination of the presence of foreign elements, namely halogens, nitrogen, and sulphur, in an organic compound. It was developed by J. L. Lassaigne.