Economy, asked by shanooo, 1 year ago

what is law of demand? explain the relationship b/w prices and quantity demanded taking a suitable dataa?​


Answered by Anonymous


The law of demand states that as the price of a good decreases, the quantity demanded of that good increases. In other words, the law of demand states that the demand curve, as a function of price and quantity, is always downward sloping.

Answered by sushantdeshmukh07


In microeconomics, the law of demand states that, "conditional on all else being equal, as the price of a good increases (↑), quantity demanded decreases (↓); conversely, as the price of a good decreases (↓), quantity demanded increases (↑)".[1] In other words, the law of demand describes an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded of a good. Alternatively, other things being constant, quantity demanded of a commodity is inversely related to the price of the commodity. For example, a consumer may demand 2 kilograms of apples at $70 per kg; he may, however, demand 1 kg if the price rises to $80 per kg.

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