Math, asked by 2htonivkumar9, 1 year ago

what is least upper bound


Answered by kritiku2005
Least Upper Bound. Let be a nonempty set of real numbers that has an upper bound. Then a number is called the least upper bound (or the supremum, denoted ) for if it satisfies the following properties: 1.for all .

2. For all real numbers , if  is an upper bound for , then 

2htonivkumar9: some examples please
Kalidasan: ok
Kalidasan: I will sent u
Kalidasan: one minute
Kalidasan: Suppose SS is an ordered set, with EE as a subset of SS, where EE is bounded above. Suppose there exists an α∈Sα∈S with the following properties:

A) αα is an upper bound of EE.

B) If γ<αγ<α then γγ is not an upper bound of EE.
Kalidasan: do u understand
Kalidasan: pls subscribe my channel G Masters..
2htonivkumar9: k done
Answered by Kalidasan
Least Upper Bound. Let be a nonempty set of real numbers that has an upper bound. Then a number is called theleast upper bound (or the supremum, denoted ) for iff it satisfies the following properties: 1.
if u need a example I will show u
The least upper bound of A is also called the supremum of A. It can be written sup(A) or lub(A). Sets with no upper bound have no least upper bound, of course. The set of all numbers is an example. The empty set has no least upper bound, because every number is an upper bound for the empty set.
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