English, asked by ajeetsawan1, 6 months ago

What is letter?
English ​


Answered by duraiindumathi92


English letter is a Few Letters only have but Hindi Have so many letters like Tamil translation in Hindi languages.This is your answer I hope you learn it yourself. Other any questions any subjects please tell me.

Answered by jayatidsvaidya


English = A letter is a written message conveyed from one person to another through a medium. The term usually excludes written material intended to be read in its original form by large numbers of people, such as newspapers and placards; however, even these may include material in the form of an "open letter".

Hindi = एक पत्र एक लिखित संदेश है जिसे एक माध्यम से दूसरे व्यक्ति तक पहुँचाया जाता है। यह शब्द आम तौर पर लिखित सामग्री को शामिल करता है, जिसे बड़ी संख्या में लोगों द्वारा अपने मूल रूप में पढ़ा जाना चाहिए, जैसे कि समाचार पत्र और प्लेकार्ड; हालाँकि, यहां तक कि इनमें "ओपन लेटर" के रूप में सामग्री शामिल हो सकती है।

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