what is liberalisation and what is its effect.
Liberalisation:- Liberalisation is process of removing barriers or restrictions for trade . It helps in increasing the trade.
⚫It has increased trade in India more and more companies/MNCs are coming in India.
⚫It has increased the economy of the country by increasing trade.
⚫It has also led to the declining of some business which has created problems.
⚫Many people are not able to get proper job facilities even in organised sector. It has made people to work for extra hours...
Meaning of liberalisation :It means the opening up of the country for foreign investments and capitals.
Effects of liberalisation:
>Tough competition faced by the producers.
>Job insecurity.
>Increase in the foreign trade.
>Increase in foreign investment.
>Exchange of technology between countries.
Hope this helps u !!!!