Sociology, asked by ojasnimje664, 1 year ago

What is life for Buddhist monks like?


Answered by megha1738
I can give you a Tibetan Buddhist perspective. I have mostly experience staying at monasteries during teachings so these are slightly non-typical days described but it will give you a good idea.

Just for some terminologies that you need to be aware of:

Getsul- Novice Monk

Gelong- Fully Ordained Monk

Geku-  Disciplinarian

Omze- Chant Master

Geshe- Equivalent of a Buddhist PhD

Khenpo- Abbot

The day usually starts very early with the Geku waking the monks up. Usually he takes a bunch of keys and makes them jingle to create noise that would wake the monks up. Most monks are usually up by this time and it is time for their morning memorization:

The monks would sit down like this usually on a thin mat or maybe even a flattened carton box to do their memorization. Usually they would be momorizing a text they are studying. This was at a monastery in the Himalayas and a couple of months to winter, at 6:00 AM. You can imagine how cold the concrete would be.

Sometimes there are morning Pujas and the monks will go for the Pujas. There are monks who take turns in the kitchen and they are responsible for preparing the ritual tea and bread offerings. This is a what the trip from the kitchen to the temple hall would look like during big teachin

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