what is life in term of biology
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introduction biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organism that is plants and animals it is classified into two parts botany and zoology . study of plants is called botany and study of animals is called zoology zoology and botany are collectively called biology the term biology was coined by lamarck and treviranus .the scientist who gave the who game is thought for the first time about the life of plants and animals was Aristotle . that's why he is known as father of biology he is also known as father of zoology . THEROPHRASTUS IS KNOWN AS FATHER OF BOTANY. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING ORGANISMS THEY HAVE CELLULAR ORGANISATION AND ALSO RESPIRE THAT IS TAKE IN OXYGEN AND EVOLVE CARBON DIOXIDE . METABOLISM IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTERS PICS FEATURE OF LIVING ORGANISM IT COMPRISES TWO FACES THAT ARE ANABOLISM AND CATABOLISM. THEY TAKE NUTRITION FOR THEIR GROWTH. THEY HAVE TENDENCY TO REPRODUCE.THEY HAVE THE ABILITY TO RESPOND TO CHANGES IN BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT THAT IS THEY HAVE SENSITIVITY. THEIR SURVIVAL CHANCES ARE MAXIMUM. THEY MOVE FROM ONE PLACE TO PLACE AS OR SOME BACTERIA PLANTS CANNOT MOVE WHATSAPP MOVEMENT CAN OCCUR IN PLANTS. I HOPE MY ANSWER HELPS YOU