what is locomotion ?
what is respiration ?
what are vertebrates ?
what are invertebrates ?

1. what is locomotion ?
ans- locomotion is the ability of an organism to move from one place to another place
2. what is respiration ?
ans-1:The act or process of breathing : inhaling of oxygen and the exheling of carbon dioxide
2: the process by which cells use oxygen to break
down sugar and obtain energy
3. what are vertebrates?
ans - A vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone and a skeleton vertebrate animals include humans when you think about vertebrates, think about bone this word has to do with animals that have a lot of bones in the from of a skeleton.
4. what is invertebrates?
ans- Invertebrates are animal that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column derived from the notochord . this include all animal apart from the chordate subphylum vertebreta . familiar example of invertebrates include
arthropods , mollusk , annelid , and cnidarians
locomotion helps organisms to move
respiration is the chemical process of releasing energy by breaking down glucose for carrying out life processes