what is long division method
In math, long division is a method used for dividing large numbers into groups or parts. ... Just like all division problems, a large number, which is the dividend, is divided by another number, which is called the divisor, to give a result called the quotient and sometimes a remainder.
Step-by-step explanation:
here is your answer :-)
Step-by-step explanation:
Long Division is a method for dividing large numbers, which breaks the division problem into multiple.
The dividend is divided by the divisor which gives a result known as the quotient, and sometimes it gives a remainder too.
⚜Divisor:- The number which will divide the dividend.
⚜Remainder:- The leftover part or the number left after certain steps and cannot be divide.
⚜Quotient:-The result of division.
⚜Dividend:- The number which has to be divided.
How to Do Long Division?
- ⚜Take the first digit of the dividend.
- ⚜Then divide it by the divisor and write the answer on top as the quotient.
- ⚜ Subtract the result from the digit and write the difference below.
- ⚜ Bring down the next number (if present).
- ⚜ Repeat the same process
⛄hope it's helpful ⛄